
Blood Matters: 2020 preoperative anaemia assessment and management in elective surgical procedures survey report

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Undiagnosed anaemia is common in the surgical setting and is associated with increased perioperative morbidity and mortality. If it is uncorrected, it increases the likelihood of blood transfusion, which is independently associated with increased morbidity, mortality and hospital length of stay.

Of the 63 health services responding to the 2020 preoperative anaemia assessment and management in elective surgical procedures survey, 35 (56 per cent) reported a formalised process for optimising patient haemoglobin prior to elective surgery, with a further 16 planning to introduce a program in the next 12 months.

While there are more pathways present in 2020 compared with 2015, there is still room for improvement in both the development and the quality of anaemia assessment and management pathways.

Blood Matters recommends that health services review the report and associated recommendations through the blood management committee (or equivalent body), and use the data and individual reports (for those who participated) to assess their performance and action strategies to address any gaps.

‘2020 preoperative anaemia assessment and management in elective surgical procedures survey report’ can be accessed by cutting and pasting the link provided below into your browser, or go to the Blood Matters webpage (