RHD In Pregnancy

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) for RHD may be used to determine whether an RhD negative woman carries an RhD positive fetus and threrefore requires RhD immunoglobulin prophylaxis.

This page contains resources to assist in implementation of RHD NIPT. These were developed by ANZSBT and collaborators with the support of Australian Government Department of Health Quality Use of Pathology Program. Resources are free to use and adapt to local requirements with acknowledgement of the source.

Guidance for RHD NIPT can be found on the ANZSBT Guidelines Page.


RHD NIPT is currently limited to pilot sites within Australia and New Zealand. ANZSBT continues to advocate for universal availability of RHD NIPT.

Educational Resources

Online information for consumers, clincians and laboratories is available on the ANZSBT webportal

Australian College of Midwives / ANZSBT elearning

As part of the QUPP sponsored project, ANZSBT has been proud to partner with the Australian College of Midwives to co-developed an elearning module. The course is free and a certicate can be issued on successful completion. Hosted by the  Australian College of Midwives, the course may accessed here.


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Prinatable Resources for Consumers

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Audit Tools

Audit Tool


Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)


ANZSBT ackonowledge the contributions of stakeholders from health professions and consumers in the development of these tools and guidelines. The contributions of the Project Manager, Project Officer and Steering Committee and the funding from the Australian Government are particularly acknowledged.


Project Steering Committee

A/Prof Philip Crispin  Steering Committee Chair
Prof David Roxby  Project Manager
Kristen Brown  Project Officer
Dr (Jerry) Abraham Alex  Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
Simon Benson  President, ANZSBT
Dr James Daly  Australian Red Cross Lifeblood (ARCLB)
Prof Wendy Erber  Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Dr Shin Lee  Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RANZCOG)
Dr Ellen Maxwell  Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA)
Tani Paxton  Australian College of Midwives (ACM)
Dr Ania Samarawickrama  Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGPs)
Dr Helen Savoia  Obstetric, Neonatal and Paediatric Haematologist
Dr Janney Wale  Australian Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF)

The Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT) was supported by funding for this work from the Australian Government under the The Quality Use of Pathology Program (QUPP) .  The ANZSBT would like to acknowledge the support and opportunity provided by the Australian Government Department of Health to be involved in the development of a roadmap and resources assisting the introduction of RHD NIPT as part of the complete pregnancy care pathway in Australia