From the VIDG NICE subcommittee:
“The Subcommittee has organised to hold the annual meeting in Sydney.
This, along with having our sponsors on board will help make the NICE meeting you know and love as successful as possible.
NICE has been held annually for many years and is a scientific meeting where Immunohaematologists meet, share information, experiences and opinions.
All attendees must present a ten minute scientific talk, including question time.
All attendees participate and are involved in the sharing of interesting and practical information. The presentations are topical and do not ramble on for
hours! If a speaker has information of interest in their presentation, then ample opportunities exist to catch up over coffee or a meal to discuss the issues in detail.”
More information can be found here: NICE 2022 Information
To register, please fill out the form: Registration form NICE 2022 Sydney