Standing Committees

There are currently three Standing Committees, the Clinical Transfusion Practice Committee, the Engagement and Learning Committee and the Transfusion Science Committee,  that deliver the objectives of the ANZSBT Strategic Plan and assist in priority setting of key issues.

The Standing Committees’ Terms of Reference outline the membership, process and function and are reviewed every 2 years.

View the Standing Committees’ Terms of Reference here.


Standing Committee Membership November 2025 to November 2027

Clinical Transfusion Practice Committee

  • Dr Bryony Ross (Chair)
    Calvary Mater Newcastle, NSW

    Dr Bryony Ross is a Haematologist and Haematopathologist at The John Hunter Children’s Hospital in Newcastle, and with Pathology NSW.


    She has clinical and research experience in Adult and Paediatric Haematopathology and Transfusion Medicine, with a particular interest in Patient Blood Management and Blood Transfusion Policy.  She is a member of the ANZSBT Clinical Transfusion Committee, and the current chair of the NSW Blood Management Clinical Advisory Committee with the Clinical Excellence Commission.

    Bryony is the co-author of the paediatric and neonatal chapters in Clinical Examination (Talley and O’Connor); and publications including research into the development of novel treatments for acute myeloid leukaemia; paediatric acute traumatic coagulopathy; pregnancy, childbirth and neonatal outcomes in women with inherited bleeding disorders; improving blood wastage; and on the treatment of iron deficiency in adults and paediatric patients.

  • Dr Lisa Clarke
    Westmead Hospital, NSW
  • Ms Kristen Brown
    Murrumbidgee Local Health District, Blood Management, Wagga District Office, NSW
  • A/Prof Philip Crispin
    Canberra Hospital, Haematology, ACT
  • Ms Karen Beattie
    Western NSW Local Health District, NSW
  • Dr Amanda Ormerod
    LaTrobe Regional Health, LaTrobe Hospital, VIC
  • Ms Fiona King
    New Zealand Blood Service, Blood Bank, New Zealand
  • Ms Joanne Goodwin
    BloodSafe, SA
  • Ms Maria Roussakis
    Mater, QLD

The Clinical Transfusion Practice Committee will:

  • Promote the sharing of multidisciplinary experience in clinical transfusion practice
  • Develop and/or disseminate audit, benchmarking and practice improvement tools
  • Promote, where appropriate, the standardisation and simplification of practice
  • Develop clinical transfusion practice guidelines
  • Provide an Australian and New Zealand perspective on transfusion medicine to Council, to inform and influence political decision-making
  • Promote strategies to close the haemovigilance loop
  • Respond as required on clinical transfusion question

Engagement and Learning Committee

  • Ms Rebecca McLean (Chair)

    Rebecca McLean is the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Blood Management at Perth Children’s Hospital. Rebecca has been in a transfusion role, since 2014, with previous experience in nursing management and Haematology / bone marrow transplant nursing. Rebecca has a keen interest in safe and appropriate administration of blood products, as well as haemovigilance.


    She has presented quality improvement initiatives at the national Blood conference and received the inaugural “transfusion Professional award in Clinical Transfusion Practice” in 2017.

    Rebecca is the current chair of the Western Australian Transfusion Education (Wanted) group, which consists of scientists, and transfusion nurses from WA hospitals, and ensures that transfusion practices within WA hospitals not only adheres to national and state guidelines, but resources created are aligned across all sites.

    Rebecca has completed the Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice with first class honours. She would like to see the course be re-instated/re-developed for future nurses with an interest in Transfusion.
    She is an active member of the ANZSBT Education Standing committee and the Transfusion Professionals Network (TPN) and is passionate about nurses having a voice within the society.

    After identifying a gap in blood transfusion educational material for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, Rebecca developed a pictorial and simple English brochure “Yarning about Blood”, a tool to help medical staff discuss consent to blood products, including benefits and risks, as well as alternatives to blood products for these patients. Yarning about Blood is now available as a National resource via the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood website

  • Ms Melissa May
    Manager Strategic Projects, New Zealand Blood Service, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Dr Monique Menzies Wojtowicz
    St George Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • Dr Allison Mo
    Monash Health and Austin Health, Melbourne, VIC
  • Ms Amanda Catherwood
    Blood, Organ and Tissue Programs Unit, Department for Health & Wellbeing (SA)
  • Dr Lauren Waters
    Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, NSW
  • Ms Katie Gould
    Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, QLD

The Engagement and Learning Committee will:

  • Assess current gaps and opportunities for the ANZSBT to further develop transfusion medicine knowledge and practice
  • Disseminate information to meet the needs of stakeholders, using a variety of media and communication tools
  • Contribute to the ongoing development of the ANZSBT website as a central transfusion medicine resource

Transfusion Science Committee

  • Ms Annette Le Viellez (Chair)

    Annette is the Scientist in Charge of transfusion in a network of busy laboratories in tertiary hospitals in Western Australia. She has been a member of ANZSBT Transfusion Science Committee (TSC) since 2013. She enjoys scientific investigations particularly of rare and unusual groups and antibodies. Annette enjoys educating on transfusion science and encouraging young scientists to develop their transfusion knowledge. The highlight of participation on the TSC is the opportunity to work collegiately with the committee members each bringing information from our own scope of work. It is a great mix of minds with a common goal towards safe transfusion practice.



  • Mr Simon Benson
    Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, NSW
  • Ms Elizabeth Lennox
    Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, QLD
  • Ms Helen Stathopoulos
    SA Pathology, Transfusion Medicine Unit, SA
  • Ms Samantha Lennard
    Queensland Health, Transfusion, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, QLD
  • Mr Niki Lee
    Northern Pathology Victoria, VIC
  • Ms Alison Badger
    New Zealand Blood Service, NZ
  • Ms Candice Davison
    Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, QLD
  • Mr Brett Aitken
    SAN Pathology, NSW

The Transfusion Science Standing Committee will:

  • Develop and maintain scientific and technical guidelines relating to transfusion practice
  • Develop ‘position statement’ documents in the areas of transfusion science on behalf of the Society
  • Provide an Australian and New Zealand perspective on scientific aspects of transfusion to Council, to inform and influence political decision-making
  • Respond as required on scientific and technical questions

FInance and Risk Committee

  • Dr Amanda Ormerod (Chair)
    La Trobe Regional Health Service

    Dr Amanda Ormerod is a specialist Haematologist in public practice since 2016, previously working at the Australian Red Cross Blood Service as a Transfusion Medicine Specialist and at Bairnsdale Regional Health Service as a Clinical Haematologist.


    Dr Ormerod is interested in transfusion medicine and has worked with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. She is interested in complex transfusion issues and continues to enjoy transfusion medicine.
    Dr Ormerod has long had a passion for rural medicine, having worked as a medical scientist for 4 years in Tanzania prior to studying medicine.

  • A/Prof Philip Crispin
    Canberra Hospital, Haematology, ACT
  • Rachel Brazier
    Department for Health and Wellbeing, SA
  • Penny O'Beid
    Governance and Assurance and, Blood Watch, Clinical Excellence Commission, NSW Health

The Finance and Risk  Committee will:

  • Assist the Treasurer to provide advice to the Board with respect to financial and corporate risks, resources, policies, and investments. These include:
    • Assisting  the Treasurer with preparing a proposed ANZSBT budget for the Board Monitoring against budget
    • Overseeing financial performance
    • Financial management
  • Provide advice to the Board on compliance with relevant regulations and legislation

The Finance and Risk Committee is a new committee and is currently seeking expressions of interest from membership.  Experience in corporate governance or financial management will be highly regarded.