Transfusion Practitioner Working Group
The Australian New Zealand Transfusion Professionals (ANZTP) Special Interest Group of the ANZSBT was formed in 2011. In 2015, the group changed its name to Transfusion Professionals Network (TPN) and then in 2023, to reflect the group and its role more closely, transitioned to Transfusion Practitioner Working Group (TPWG).
Membership to the working party is available to members of the society who are nurses, midwives, scientists or other health professionals in advanced roles undertaking quality improvement and clinical practice in transfusion and patient blood management.
The TPWG Terms of Reference outline the aims, responsibilities, membership and working arrangements of the group. Once the working group has established the Transfusion Practitioner (TP) Community of Practice (CoP), all ANZSBT TP members will be encouraged to participate in the CoP.
Transfusion Practitioners Working Group
Ms Amanda Catherwood (Chair)SA
Ms Susan Mercer (Secretary)NZ
Ms Karen BeattieNSW
Ms Michelle EdwardsVIC
Mr Jason VallesWA
Ms Shannon MorganQLD
Ms Manpreet GillNZ
Ms Susan DalkieNT
The TPWG will:
- Provide expert advice to Clinical transfusion Practice Committee (CTPC) and promote CTPC’s initiatives, including bi-directional interactions as required with other ANZSBT standing committees.
- Facilitate a community of practice for TPs, to provide opportunities for networking and sharing of knowledge, resources etc. to support development of TPs throughout their career pathway and to promote consistency of practice.
- Host a TP-focussed forum
- Work with the Education and Learning Committee (ELC) and Transfusion Science Committee (TSC) to identify educational opportunities
- Facilitating the creation, implementation, and interpretation of ANZSBT (and other relevant) guidelines.